
Street:    Slezká 2125/140
Cadastral:    Vinohrady
District:    3 - Vinohrady

House is located in attractive area of Prague 3 which enables to leverage synergies of the best from each district.

Prague 3 offers great civil amenities like wide range of restaurants with different kitchen styles, shops, banks, post office, kindergartens, schools and universities, it provides the greatest sights and monuments, like theChurch Největšího Srdce Páně, Pomník Svatopluka Čecha, hrob Karla Jaromíra Erbena, Vila Karla Čapka and more. Prague 3 possess of some of great parks and gardens, (Parukářka, Vítkov, Bezručovy sady).

You can also find a shopping Mall Flora which is located 350 m from the Villa.

There are lot of options in this location how to travel as a subway, buses and trams.